OPEN STUDIOS THE LITTLE 5 POINTS CENTER FOR ARTS AND COMMUNITY 1083 AUSTIN AVENUE NE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30307 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH, 11 AM TO 5 PM The Euclid Arts Collective (EAC) is a prominent, non-profit Atlanta artist community located in the progressive Little 5 Points Center for Arts and Community. The EAC is a group of artists, occupying different studios, working in a wide variety of mediums. In these studios, art classes are held, ballet scenery is painted, different organizations are invited to tour our group and observe our work – all of which and more are outreach programs to the community. The EAC artists exhibit regionally, nationally and internationally in galleries and other venues. Open Studios are held throughout the year, open to the public. Their goal is to create work that not only benefits their own careers, but is mindful of giving back to the community. These are the artists participating in the 5 Arts Festival Open Studios in the Little Five Points Center For Arts and Community. They will be open from 11AM to 5PM. Hollis Hildebrand-Mills, Painting Carla House, Painting Korey Gotoo, Tina Cox and Mary Cote, Ceramics Henry Leonard, Fabric 3-D and 2-D work MB Andrews, Bob Andrews, Drawing and Fiberglass Construction Michelle Jordan, Ceramics

Welcome to the Euclid Arts Collective!!!

The Euclid Arts Collective (EAC) is a prominent Atlanta artist community housed in the Little 5 Points Community Center.  Founded in 1982, The Euclid Arts Collective is one of the oldest artist collectives in Atlanta, Georgia.  Euclid Arts Collective artists work in a variety of art mediums including painters using oil, acrylic and mixed media, clay artists and sculptors, a photographer, print makers, film makers, textile artist, and decorative/faux finish painter.  Each artist is accomplished in their field of study and actively participating in Atlanta, regional and national art communities as artists, art teachers, arts promotion and community service leaders.

The  Euclid Arts Collective is one of the largest tenants of the Little 5 Points Community Center building consisting of eight artist studio spaces. The mission of the  Little 5 Points Community Center (L5PCC) is to be part of and support local arts, cultural, and community service organizations. 

Since the early 90’s, the Euclid Arts Collective artists host a variety of “Open Studio” shows each year showcasing art, artists and promoting the Little 5 Points Community Center building, welcoming over 1,000 art patrons.  Euclid Arts Collective artists have been widely published in various media such as the Atlanta Homes & Lifestyle magazine, Atlanta Journal Constitution, and Creative Loafing.  Euclid Arts Collective artists participate in numerous curated exhibits, galleries and museums throughout the US.   Euclid Arts Collective artists hosted the High Museum of Art in 2011.  

Euclid Arts Collective Community Service

Euclid Arts Collective artists served in the following community leader positions and boards: 

Art Partners of the High Museum of Art, President
Atlanta Celebrates Photography, Board of Directors 
Atlanta Photography Group, Board of Directors
Arbor Montessori
Beacon Dance
Candler Park Neighborhood Organization
Inman Park Festival
Inman Park Neighborhood Association
Junior League of Atlanta
High Museum of Art, General Board of Directors
High Museum of Art, Executive Committee
High Museum of Art, Photo Forum Board of Directors
The Hudgens Center for the Arts, Board of Directors
The New Arts Exchange, Board of Directors
Smithsonian Institute, Save Outdoor Sculpture Project
Saint Mark United Methodist Church
Woodruff Arts Center, Trustee Board
Zoo Atlanta

Euclid Arts Collective supports the following L5PCC activities: 
L5PCC Board Membership
L5PCC PAC Board Membership
L5PCC Golf Tournaments
L5PCC Capital Campaign
L5PCC Art Auction Fundraisers
L5PCC Yard Sale
L5PCC Building Anniversary Open House Fundraiser
L5PCC Building Clean-Up
L5PCC Open Houses